Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Yeah, you're pretty quiet.

I've never been accused of exuberance, excessive emotional displays, manic behavior, nor illogical or irrational conduct. But of course, there are obvious exceptions (BOCTAOE).

For example:

1) I was quite maniacally violent, but not violet, when I played football.
2) I was stunned and amazed when my children were born.
3) I was devastated when my big brother died.
4) I was thoroughly disgusted with the people who looked to profit from his death.
5) I was dismayed, astonished, crushed and unmade when my best friend and luvah betrayed me.

However, generally speaking, I'm a reserved individual. I don't volunteer my opinion (for the most part), thoughts, or ideas (generally) unless asked and sometimes not even when asked, prodded, grilled, interrogated, queried, polled, interviewed, hit up, worked over, pried, pumped, petitioned, solicited, challenged, quizzed, or questioned.

People ask me all the time, 'Why are you so quiet? Why do you make it so hard to figure you out? Why are you such a mystery? What is so hard about sharing? What gives? What is wrong with you? What the heck are you thinking? What is that on your shirt!?! (Oh, that is from my smooth and tasty morning beverage) Will you tell me what is going on up in that head of yours?'

Well, I'll tell you. ... Well, I would if it were any of your business.

No, seriously... I'd tell you, but I'm practicing being secretive and mysterious so I have experience when I have to establish a secret identity for my super powered persona.

Ok, really, I'm letting you in.. here goes.. . . Oops, sorry, my phone is ringing.


GETkristiLOVE said...

Top Five pseudonyms for your super-powered self:

5. Captain Quiet
4. Closed-mouthed Man
3. The Empath (for you Trekkies)
2. Zip-it Ninja
1. The Incredible Shuuush

MonstrousJoe said...

Zip it ninja! Ha!