Friday, April 07, 2006

Doctor Who

Oh, I'd say around the early late later early mid to late early late middle earlier early late seventies I watched this English science fiction show called Doctor Who. The good Dr. was a bit of a time traveler, now wudn't ee? And he, and most everyone else, including the aliens, all talked with an English accent. Much like the people in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (the serial, not the movie).

So, anywho, Dr Who, who wasn't played by you know who, but rather who knows who, or better several who knows who's, but not several you know whose.... ya dig?

As I was saying, the seventies were a magical time ... oh, wait, that isn't what I was saying at all...

Doctor Who, a BBC, production, I imagine (hey, listen, you know what, if you want actual facts, you know, ... read or something), was this character who traveled thru time and space in a British Police Box. He had one of those Sony electronic dogs (you know, before you could buy them at Radio Shack) and I believe its name was K9.. Or maybe that was its serial number (again, facts are for, you know, readers and stuff), I was, what, 7 or something? How can you expect me to recall that? So, as I was saying, the really interesting thing about the Doctor was that after being on the show for awhile, if, say, Tom Baker, got tired of being the Doctor, he could quit (aka die) and some new actor would jump in (aka be reborn in a different guise). This was explained away as a particular annoying ability granted the good Doctor by.... Sheesh, again, I don't know, but it was interesting... and annoying, because I really liked Tom Baker as the good Doctor!

Doc would fight these really cheesy giant old fashioned microphone shaped robots, Cybermen, Time Lords and cancellation, and triumph every time. Not only that, but I can perfectly recall the theme music, which is impressive for me. Oh, and his Police Box was called Tarterus, which, if I recall my ancient literature, was the Greek pigeon infested doom that dead villains where relegated. .... Can't be sure on that, tho... Sounds right.

I heard today that this show is still on! How cool is that (trust me, its way cool)? I suppose I should find it on the telly.....

1 comment:

MonstrousJoe said...

LOL! Thanks, Pops!