Saturday, January 21, 2006

Whales and stuff..

Ok, so the whale that was swimming up and down that river in England is dead. And who knows how many are being killed by sonar each year, since apparantly, that information is now being suppressed... Anywho, its kinda sad because my daughter (6) wants to grow up and be a 'dolphin trainer' (read: marine bio-person) and it would suck if all that was available to train when she grew up were humonguous mutant carp... Well, actually, that might be kinda cool, but you know what I mean... Speaking of oceans...

Top five "killer" whale/fish movies...

1) Moby Dick... Sperm Whale.. Moby Dick.. Sperm Whale... I chuckle every time...
2) Orca... This may be obscure to non-movie fans, but its basically a pissed off Orca seeking vengeance on the bastiche that killed his baby and baby's momma. Think Free Willy with a psychotic whale.
3) Jaws. ... .Basically why I distrust large bodies of water.
4) Deep Blue Sea... ok, not nearly as classic as Moby or Jaws, its still fairly amusing. I mean, who doesn't like to see mutant sharks rampaging amongst too clever for their own good scientists?
5) Piranha --- More aply, Piran-HA! ... Kills me.

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