Wednesday, January 25, 2006

My man Shatner

Ok, GKL... Star Trek. Star Trek. Really, I can't think of Star Trek without picturing JTK in a fighting stance with his fighting stance music going and his karate chop poised to strike! (bahmp ba bahm bahm bahm bahm bahm bahm bump ah bahm bahmp) Man, Kirk was da bomb dizzle! Beat up the alien, out smart the alien, out hustle the alien, sleep with the alien, you name it, he did it to the alien!! As a young an impressionable youth, Kirk, in my eyes, had reached nearly demigod status. When the rough housing started with the brothers or the other boys in the hood, I was nearly unstoppable when I assumed the mighty Capt. James T. Kirk persona, vocalized the famous 'fightin stance music' and delivered barrage after barrage of deadly Kirk-itized, open handed, ridge chops!!! YAH!! Everyone fell before my skill... Well, except my big brother who was quite immune to any and all Kirk-chops. Heck, if Kirk had a big brother, I'm sure he would have experience similar fruitless results. I remember how excited I was when the first movie appeared. I also recall how painfully disappointed I was with that particular snore fest. Luckily, an old enemy came back and his wrath made the second outing the best (by far). But, back to my man, Shatner. Back to the Kirk love fest. The man crush. The hetero homage. The Tiberius tenderness. the, the.... I've run out of adjectives... Bloody missing thesaurus. Anyway, Kirk was awesome and everybody knew it. He knew it, we knew, by Jove, the aliens knew it! Kirk made William Shatner a bona fide supa stah! Well, sorta. Eventually. Anyway, now the guy is hilarious! And anybody who played the baddest space captain in the history of, er, bad space captains, and can cash in on it by poking fun of it is beyond commendable. Genius! Brilliance! Brilliant! Kirk is awesome.

Top five original Star Trek monsters (GKL can undoubtedly provide names, cuz I don't remember).

1) The lizard guy that was only defeated by Kirk's resourcefulness and a last second remembered lesson from basic chemistry.
2) The lava things that resembled what a game of twister under a patch work quilt must have looked like. Bones patched one up with some kind of instant cement.
3) The oversized man with the tremendous shoulders. Looked like Ray Lewis on a massive steroid binge.
4) The bubble headed guys that talked with their minds. They each had a serious case of cranial varicose veins.
5) The space hussy that was actually some kind of giant leach with suckers on its finger tips.

1 comment:

GETkristiLOVE said...

1) Gorn
2) Horta
3) Rok (the guy who played Lurch in Adams Family!)
4) Talosians (from the pilot episode)
5) M-5 Creature - a.k.a The Salt Monster