Saturday, January 28, 2006

Those ARE parrots

Apparently there are wild focks, um, flocks of parrots flying free in several states of our beloved union. I did not know that. I watched this documentary, The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill, that introduces the viewer to a flock of wild Cherry Headed Conures in San Francisco and their patron Mark Bittner. Mark is somewhat of a character who doesn't appear to work regularly, other than to watch over this flock of birds. He gets free meals and free board and free publicity for his actions as avian tutor. The birds themselves exhibit their own quirky personalities and/or traits that make them each distinguishable. For example there is the 'couple', as Mark refers to them, that split up because she was a 'de-featherer'; she would pluck feathers from her belly and also from her mates neck. As Mark describes, 'He didn't like that so he broke off the relationship.' Or Conner, the only blue headed conure in the flock and who is also the outcast, the lonely pariah who is shunned by the others, but who, ironically, is the one who valiantly acts as defender of any of the flock who may become sick or injured and thus prey to others in the flock who attack the weaker brethren. And the list continues. Its interesting to me that these birds, these escapist pets, have thrived in an environment so different from the lush rainforests from which they were captured. Not only in San Francisco, but the documentary also mentions other flocks in Utah, Southern California and even New York. Its really a very interesting film.

Top five coolest birds

1) Ravens. Ravens are supposedly the smartest of all birds. Not sure about that, but they are cool in the movies as harbingers of doom and evil. I knew a girl once who wanted to name her first born son Raven. At the time I thought it was hilarious, but upon further review it may have been because I have one of the most common names ever.
2) Cockatoos. Baretta had a white one. 'Nuff said.
3) Penguins. Cuteness factor aside, penguins are just hilarious to watch with their funny little waddle and their black tie attire.
4) Hawks. I think we mostly have Red-Tail Hawks here in Denver. Its very cool to watch them fly around town.
5) Hummingbirds. Anything that can fly backward, hover and vanish in the blink of an eye is awesome.

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