Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hall of Famer pt II

I was recently inducted into my high school Hall of Fame, which is similar to such Hall of Fames as those located in Canton and/or called Hall of Fame ‘this’ or Hall of Fame ‘that’.

Here is a brief rundown of the activities:

Friday Night:

High school basketball game: Inductees introduced at half time in front of an audience, (mostly) comprised of 15-18 year olds who could care less about kids who graduated 10 plus years ago. Wasn’t surprised by this as HS is mostly a ‘ME’ stage for people. The game was exciting for a HS affair but the home team lost as a desperate last second attempt to tie fell short.

Post game social gathering: Inductees and various guests, faculty and administration meet at a local pub for reminiscing, imbibing and awkward pauses… or should I say awkwardly pausing to preserve the verb conjugation? This was a lot of fun; in fact, it was more entertaining that I had initially imagined. Some high lights: The drunken ex-BBall coach telling my classmate, Denise, how much he loves her. My other classmate, Sonya, telling off said BBall coach for cutting her from the team when she was in 7th grade.

Saturday Night:

Induction Ceremony: This was very nice, though, ironically, the food was similar in quality to what was served during high school. Also, and additionally ironical, it lasted far, far too long. 4 hours too long. Things started at 6pm and the last inductee (yours truly) ended his acceptance at 11pm (vikk, you’ll be pleased to know that I didn’t thank my tape delivery guy).

Various Photos…. (


GETkristiLOVE said...

You're too short to be a basketball star... and I thought you were better at football?

MonstrousJoe said...

GKL - Yes, I was definitely not a basketball star... Football and track, mi amiga.

Melissa said...

Whoa - so weird to finally see what you look like!