Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Reply to all

This is the sort of thing that makes me laugh really loudly.

There was a huge meeting today at work that required the organization of a teleconference. The details of which were communicated by email to a large number of people, including myself. Once the meeting commenced, one individual replied to the meeting organizer that he was having trouble getting into the teleconference, however, he hit the "replied to all" option instead of the 'reply' option. Several seconds later, another person 'replied to all' stating that they too were having difficulties joining. Before this got too far out of hand, the organizer replied to everyone stating, that yes, they were working on the problem and that in the future, please do not 'reply to all' as it unnecessarily fills up peoples mailboxes. A minute or too passes and the organizer resends out the teleconference details with corrected information. Soon afterward, someone replies to all that they cannot hear whomever is talking on the bridge. To which the organizer replies (to everyone, mind you) in all caps 'PLEASE STOP REPLYING TO ALL'. Now, that got me chuckling, but then several seconds later, another reply to all from another guy (whose name is there for all to see) that said ......... 'Yeah.'

I nearly fell out of my chair.

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