Thursday, February 09, 2006

Yayyyy, Grammy's!

Generally, I think award shows are, you know, lame. I think its cool to give out awards and all, I mean, I'm no commie, however, in general, award shows are a waste of time. Not that I'm not interested in knowing the outcome, its just that I'm all about the summary, you know? Who won what, what did Kanye say, that sort of thing in five minutes or less. The one thing I do like about these events are the very fashionable dresses the hotties usually wear. Like this get up that Terri Hatcher is sporting. Like it. Like it a lot! Course, I might not like it as much if, say, Kathy Bates were photographed in it.


GETkristiLOVE said...

That dress was sooooo hideous! Men like anything that is see-through. Pppppfff.

vikkitikkitavi said...

Oh, Monstrous, just cause you can see her underpants.

Not only that but Terri needs a sandwich.