Wednesday, September 13, 2006

By Any Other Name

Yesterday I met Aslan.

Aslan Appleman.

As you may have already guessed, Aslan was named after the titular character in the classic fantasy ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’. And if you hadn’t guessed, Aslan was the name of the Lion in the aforementioned classic fantasy, er, ‘The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe’.




Aslan! The frickin guy is named after the Lion from a book! Sweet!

It got me to thinking, what would be other cool names from books…

‘Yes, my name is Gollem Guiterrez, very nice to meet you.’

‘Buttercup Bing. Yes, my parents do hate me.’

‘Kong Singleton and please, no chuckling.’

Ever hear a person say to another person, you look like a ‘Janice’ or a ‘Paul’ or, you know, a ‘Bruce’ or something?

Do you think people ever say that to Aslan? I mean, he seemed like a very likable fellow, but I’m not sure if he looked like an Aslan. What about poor Buttercup Bing. You gonna tell him that he looks like a Buttercup?

Just a thought.


GETkristiLOVE said...

Welcome back MJ! Oh and I have a friend named Tristan, does that count?

MonstrousJoe said...

Tristan is good! I think I'll have people call me Grendel from now on...