Thursday, October 19, 2006

Guess what?

The trouble with this time of year is that its very distracting. I mean, as far as posting these blog type thingies. Fall happens to be my favorite time of year, for a variety of reasons: the weather is awesome, football is back (hallelujah), multiple family/friends birthdays, Halloween (most awesome-est of days), new dramedies (Studio 60; discover it and rejoice) etc. All of which make it difficult for me to focus on one particular topic long enough to have a vaguely, or otherwise, coherent thought. Luckily, I have one characteristic that allows me to focus, even during the most distracting of circumstances. Yes, if you guessed narcissism as that specific quality, you guessed correctly. So, on that note, lets talk about me.

Today is my birthday, which makes me a Libra (only the most envied of all signs .. and by envied, I mean dead sexiest). There are lots of Libra’s in my life (dad, daughter, ex-wife, GKL, RB, aunt, haunting exGF, etc) which only reinforces my theory that excellence seeks out excellence (in the examples, there are obvious exceptions).

Also, today, I found out that my old HS is inducting me into the Athletic Hall of Fame (includes such notaries as Aaron Smith, Alex Molden, Bobby Muhammed aka Bobby Thomas, Anthony Roberson, etc) early next year. While the gents that I’ve listed (not to mention those that I haven’t) have gone on to have great athletic careers and/or great success, my own highlights tend to still be limited to my HS days. In other words, I’m like Al Bundy forever boasting about 4 touchdowns in one game, er, without the boasting nor the touchdowns. Not to say that I’m not successful, I mean, I’ve received my Masters degree (and I still say people should refer to me as ‘Master’ much like they call those with doctorate degrees ‘Doctor’), I have beautiful well adjusted(mostly)children, good job, my own home, etc etc. Its just that, athletically, when compared to a Super Bowl champion and an NFL first round draft pick, somehow Gym basketball pick-up All-Star (minus the All-Star) just doesn’t seem to measure up. But, I guess the pickings must be rather slim, so, I’m in! And, you know what, I’m not complaining.


Terri said...

Happy Birthday! And congratulations. Not on being a Libra, silly. On the hall of fame thingamajig :o) You are a rockstar, Master.

GETkristiLOVE said...

Master Bater,

Libras do rule, and so do you. I've seen you play flag football, don't forget.

When are we buying each other bday shots?