Monday, September 18, 2006

I said Punt!

When I first heard about the kicker at UNC (UNC is a little college in an aromatic little town north of Denver) who tried to win the starting job by sabotaging (and by sabotage, I of course mean slash and mutilate) his competition, I thought, ‘well, that’s a kicker for you’. If you’ve ever been part of a football program, you’ll understand the sentiment. I mean, really, only a kicker and, maybe, Tanya Harding would consider it a worthwhile endeavor to bodily assault your main competition instead of, you know, claiming victory in the more conventional manner of, say, actually competing. I understand the alleged assaulter had an accomplice to - and really, if it weren’t so absurd it’d be sinister -


GETkristiLOVE said...

You are mostly monstrous, but sometimes sportsy, aren't you?

MonstrousJoe said...

Hey, half my post is missing!!

GETkristiLOVE said...

I thought you were just punting...