Wednesday, May 03, 2006

So, yeah, I get in at 1:30 tomorrow

I few months back my old friend RB, who resides in TX, called and said there was a possibility that he would be coming to CO for a conference. I said great and volunteered my domicile as a lodging option. He said great and would get with me later to confirm as the trip was yet to be approved by management, but as soon as it was he’d let me know so I could plan accordingly.

Last night, at about 10PM MT, I get a call. Its my buddy RB:

MJ: Sup sup!

RB: Not much, man, what up you?

MJ: Chillin, main, chillin.

RB: So, I get in about 1:30 tomorrow.

MJ: Wha? (thinking furiously, trying to figure out what I’m not remembering)

RB: My flight? It arrives at 1:30 tomorrow.

MJ: OH! Your conference trip. I thought you were going to call me?

RB: Yeah, sorry about that. Is it still ok?

MJ: Uhh…(trying to figure out the logistics in my head. You see, I have kids and they tend to complicate/eradicate spur of the moment planning) Yeah, we’ll make it work.

RB: You sure? The approval didn’t come until late last week .. (launches into detailed explanation of approval, but I’m only partially listening as I play out various logistical scenarios)

MJ: I’m sorry, what?

RB: I was saying, are you going to be able to take a late lunch or are you going to leave a key?

MJ: Oh, no, I’ll just give you the combination to my garage door opener…. (the rest is unimportant)


So, I have a, not unannounced, but unexpected house guest thru the rest of the week. It should be fine, as RB and I go way back and he’s welcome anytime, but, it will be interesting to see how the logistics compute.

1 comment:

GETkristiLOVE said...

RB better get some pigeon-removing skills and earn his keep!