Thursday, February 15, 2007

Mace and Morph

If you were interested....


Melissa said...

They are beautiful cats!

GETkristiLOVE said...

Aw, I miss them!

Terri said...

They really are gorgeous kitties. But do you feed them?

vikkitikkitavi said...

You NEED to send a couple of those pictures into

The sink pic for sure, and the one with the kitteh's tummy exposed.

MonstrousJoe said...

NYGAL - Yes, yes they are beautiful. And, when properly prepared, they taste like chicken.

GKL - Take em!!!

Terr - What do you mean 'do I feed them?' Come on!! They have plenty of spiders and such in the basement.

Vik - Wha? I've never heard of that site. It's a wonder they haven't tracked me down, what with all the cuteness I generate...